It's been difficult to write over the last couple of weeks, the reason being that Johnny has been, quote, 'a bit wonky.' However, after seeing J last night, who is now unwonky, I have permission to describe the cause, effect and cure of wonkiness. One of the things I love about Johnny is his integrity. 'The truth cannot harm anybody,' he says.
'I'm not well,' he informed me when I arrived at the Studio late afternoon a couple of weeks ago. I could see that. Instead of working upstairs, he was lying down, looking washed out and somewhat dishevelled compared to his usual dapper self.
'Poor darling,' I sympathised, 'what's wrong?'
'Ah, well you'll recover - you know what to do,' I replied with less sympathy,'we've been here before.'
'This different - I feel muddled - I can't think straight or remember clearly - and I fell over - that's not like me! I'm not a drunk that falls over - I might sway about a bit but I don't FALL! And I cut myself - look,' he replied, rolling up his sleeve and revealing a deep, now crumpled-at-the-edges gash that should have been stitched, half way up his forearm.
'What have you been doing Johnny?' I was concerned.
The Cause
'Well, I went for early doors last night and had my usual four drinks. I was about ready to leave, when a young couple came in and the young chap bought a schnapps for his girlfriend. She didn't want it and he offered it to me, so I downed it and left.
The effect
By the time I was half way across the car park I almost fell over. I made it to the house and decided to have a look upstairs in the Studio. Well, I couldn't look at anything properly and decided to go downstairs. I stood at the top of the stairs and thought fucking hell, I'm going to fall down those, so I came down backwards.
Then I decided to make my tea. I was going to have sardines but I kept wobbling about - nearly falling as I tried to open the tin. Then I did fall and cut my arm. Johnny, I said to myself, go to bed! So I did - I must have passed out because when I came too the bed was covered in blood and my arm was stuck to the sheet.'
'Johnny - it was the schnapps - what were you thinking about?'
'Yes, but I still don't usually fall over - or feel like this.'
The week progressed and Johnny was slowly improving but still wonky, despite abstention Marta reported on Friday, 'Johnny's not well you know,' and last Sunday, sons Perry and Toby took charge. 'Pack your bag Dad, we're taking you to hospital.'
The cure
After a day of tests, all systems were pronounced fit and well. 'It is alcohol ' said the Doctor, 'Mr Middleton, you are seventy-three and your brain does not like this amount.'
This is the third time that the message has been delivered and thankfully, this time I think it has been received loud and clear. 'All I want to do is paint,' says Johnny, 'I've got an exhibition to do this year! I don't like it when I can't work. I've been painting again for three days - today I'm back into it and it's great. I've had a good look at my work over the last two weeks - there's nothing been going on - in my mind or on paper - I want to work!'
We want you to, too! We all love you lots.