Monday, December 9, 2013

It's finished!

Best photo of Big Foot - not saying much - I know!
Hoorah! Big Foot is behind glass and I feel as if I'm the one that's given birth.  It's been a fascinating experience to watch Big Foot come into existence.  This is not an easy thing to do, because much of Johnny's work takes years to come into being and joining in part way through is like picking up a TV serial after missing earlier episodes.  But on this occasion I have been present from conception to birth.

Big Foot has occupied a great deal of Johnny's attention, in fact more than that, he has been captivated and this painting has become something very special to him.  Last night, I saw BF for the first time, hanging on the wall in Johnny's sitting room.  It was dark; the painting is dark, with many shades of black.  'There is no white paint AT ALL in Big Foot,' said Johnny, fixing me with a tractor-beam gaze.  'You know I don't do exhibitions - but when I committed myself to London it sparked me up.  I knew I needed to so a special painting - but I didn't know where it was going to come from. Big Foot is it - if people understand Big Foot, they'll understand everything in the exhibition. Now that Big Foot's framed - and the glass is the final part of the illusion - the rest of the exhibition will fall into place.'

So Clive, you can relax - the first one's done!
Me and others in Big Foot

It seems fitting that Big Foot is hard to photograph ...  that's always been his trouble.