Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Party night 13th June

Paul Middleton and the Angst Band

And then along came Margaret Thatcher

If you like music that is irreverent, uncompromising and from the heart, then allow me to introduce you to Johnny’s brother Paul: a Yorkshire, craggy diamond. If you like your music delivered with unrestrained abandon, in an explosion of sound, words and passion, then he is your man.

Since 1967, singer-songwriter Paul has been entertaining in his adopted home town of Harrogate, as well as the wider world. Delivering his own lyrics in a gravelly, bourbon-soaked voice that wells from his soul, he sings of trials and tribulations in love, life and death.  His performance is expressed in an explosion of sound and emotion, which at times teeters on the fringes of mania, as his hands coerce the frenzied voice from his slide steel guitar.  Pied Piper like, he leads his Angst band and audience to the edge of the cliff as guitars soar, drums throb and xylophones pulse in a heady fusion of rock and blues, laced with Yorkshire grit and humour that cracks faces and releases tensions.

So what motivates this sixty-seven year old, former member of Harrogate’s successful 70s Prog-Rock band Wally, to continue writing and performing several nights a week?  Most of his contemporaries hung their guitars up years ago, whilst he has worn his into holes.

Off stage, it is hard to reconcile Paul’s extrovert, abandoned performances with this softly spoken, self-deprecating man.  ‘To pay the rent I make cupboards, but my passion is to put my thoughts into a musical context.  I am not a musician,’ he insists, ‘and I can’t call myself a poet either – I just have a desire to express myself – it has always helped me find out who I am – it still does.’

During the 90s, Paul started performing at the Blues Bar in Harrogate and has been entertaining across the UK and Europe since. Over time, both he and his band have metamorphosed into the present Angst Band, whose musicians provide an expressive platform for Paul’s individuality.

So, if you like a performance that’s original, honest, up front and personal then join the maestro and his musicians at the Brewdog for End of Exhibition Party night on a journey into his world of bad love, good times and full-on living.  Not for the faint-hearted: do you dare to love, laugh, cry and maybe, even find yourself dancing?

Paul Middleton performs every Wednesday from 9.30pm at the Blues Café Bar, Montpellier Parade, Harrogate.
For details of bookings see his website: www.paulmiddleton.com

John Middleton
London Exhibition

Monday 9th June - Friday 13th June 2014

30 Tottenham Street
Tel 020 7637 7478

End of exhibition party night
Friday 13th June
BREWDOG Shoreditch
51-55 Bethnal Green Road
London E1 6LA

See you there!

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