Turner is lurking in the wings ... deadlines are approaching .... questions need answers ... which paintings for the exhibition .... copy for the catalogue approved. Johnny's helical world has to align, however briefly, with the linear world of dates, times and DEADLINES.
I saw a hint of Diva in Johnny the other night, 'I have not got time to spend on administration,' he huffed, 'I said at the start that I'd only do this if I didn't have to take it on,' he paused briefly for breath, 'I've got so much work to do in my Studio - I haven't time to go to meetings, I want to paint!'
'Poor you,' I sympathised, 'Come on - don't get things out of proportion - you've got time -'
I was rudely interrupted. 'It's no good saying I've got plenty of time - bollocks! Big Foot was the first painting I did, with the London Exhibition in mind... I've been working on 'the Sock' now for six months, but I've got to get it right. The Sock is significant. I don't paint pictures - the significance of the sock is that the shape is more important than IT (function) is - out of context, with a frame round it - if you didn't know what a sock was...
'There are certain artists that are intrigued by shape. All it is, is a sock on a background - it's not a sock, it's a shape....anyone could paint that sock - black paint, white paint. But!' he emphasised, 'there's a phenomena - they call it 'wall power'. When you see a significant artist's painting, you love it - there's something about it that intrigues you ...
'With Big Foot, there isn't a picture there ... and the Sock is one step further ...
'If I can pull this off - if people can stand and look at this - it's a shape in an environment. This is as far as I can go - I've been doing that sock for six months and it looks as if I've spent half an hour on it, because I'm putting the emotion into it ... that's what the Envelopes are about ...'
Washing |
I'm not certain, but I have a hunch that the Sock may turn out to be the one that disturbs deadlines. I hope the planets align.
Washing: a sweater had fallen on the ground and frozen and Johnny pegged it on the line. No one noticed the shape.
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