Tuesday, January 29, 2013

1993: Beja Portugal

Portugal 9c
Describing his creative development, John explains, ‘I value the discipline and craft of landscape and portrait work - that’s how I began – through direct observation and painting but it is through my abstracts that I find my expressive soul.’

Portugal 2

In early 1993, John was commissioned, by Harrogate’s Gallery Emeritus, to make a tour of Spain and Portugal and record the journey in drawings and watercolours, for an exhibition on his return.  John’s wanderings lead him to the remote, mountainous Beja region of southern Portugal.

Home for a year

His mounting fascination led him to accept an offer to rent a stone and mud house in this unmapped, sparsely populated region, known locally as the Pampa.  For a year, he experienced and painted life from another age, where the inhabitants lived, using farming methods little changed from medieval times.

Portugal - Wheel

When working in the field, it's direct observation time and Johnny records the realities around him in studies and watercolour.

Portugal 3
It is on his return that his observations and experiences inform the abstracts that will eventually emerge.  'Even though I'm something of a nomad,’ he reflects, ‘I always return to Yorkshire - it’s only when I'm here that I can reflect on my experiences there.'

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